TWN builds and rents subsidized housing to members. Our Public Works Department plans, develops, and manages these social housing projects on reserve land. Public Works also manages an on-reserve seniors housing program, which helps our Elders with:
- Rent subsidies, or
- Maintaining or repairing their privately-owned homes
Members can contact the Housing Coordinator to:
- Apply for subsidized housing
- Find out about repairs to their social housing units
- Seek support for seniors housing
- Discuss other housing options on the reserve
In addition, Public Works helps TWN Finance staff process mortgage applications for members building or updating a home on the reserve.
The Housing Application can also be accessed on the button below. This PDF version requires Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (free to be downloaded & installed here) to fill out digitally with the Fill & Sign feature, or can be printed.
A Digital Fillable Form Version of the Housing Application for TWN community members are available on the Members Login Portal, or by emailing our Housing and Facilities Coordinator.
Members’ housing inquiries, requests, questions on how to fill out the form, and submitting completed forms can be sent to
This application is for any type of housing on reserve, including: rental, rent to own, mortgage, and the new Affordable Membership Housing Project by Hwul’a’mut housing society.
This form is applicable only for TWN Members with registered status. TWN Members can have this form filled out by another person on their behalf, but must be signed by the applicant.
To submit your application, please email or drop off/mail at Reception, to the attention of Housing, at the Administration Building (3178 Alder Court, North Vancouver, BC, V7H 2V6).
Housing and Facilities Coordinator
Jeff Sisson
(604) 754-7861 (work cell) | (604) 929-3454 ext. 4179 (office)