Primary and Home & Community Care Services are available to eligible community members through our Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Naturopathic Physicians, and Traditional Healers five days per week. Traditional and cultural practitioners can support our primary care team with a range of cultural and traditional based practices and healing.

Home & Community Care Services are available to eligible community members who have acute, rehabilitative, chronic, transitional or palliative health care needs.

Home Care Nurse services

  •  In-home health care assessments/symptom management
  • Wound care
  • Chronic disease support and management
  • Advance care planning
  • Client advocacy
  • Assistance with hospital transfers & discharges
  • Home safety assessments for safety home equipment
  • Assist with referrals to health programs and services
  • Home support service assessments
  • Supporting a client’s health care goals and independence.

Home Support Services provide home-based services based on a client’s assessed needs. These services may include menu planning and meal preparation, light housekeeping, laundry, changing linen, monitoring for change in a client’s health care status/needs, friendly check-in and safety checks, and assisting a client with daily living activities and personal care such as bathing, dressing, grooming, meal intake assistance, transferring, mobility assistance.

Contact Information

Home Care Nurse Leonie Streeter RN
(Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm)
Mobile 604-349-9661

ćećǝwǝt lelǝm Helping House 604-929-4133

Address: 3168 Alder Court North Vancouver, BC V7H 2V6

Tel: 604-929-4133

Fax: 604-986-0356

After Hours Health Link BC 811 to be linked to a Nurse for guidance & support
Emergency 911
Crisis Line 1-800-784-2433

Community Health Nurse services include:

  • Supports management of chronic disease or acute illnesses
  • Medical assessments and referrals
  • Promotes and coordinates vaccinations and immunizations
  • Health prevention and awareness education and resources for breastfeeding, nutrition, physical activity, infection control, safe sex practices