The aim of the ɬewətəl̓ Project is to support səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh Nation) Survivors who are comfortable sharing their knowledge, truths, and experiences of Residential and Day Schools, and any memories they have regarding children who passed, disappeared, and did not return home from Residential School.
ɬewətəl̓ is offered by the Project Steering Committee to convey the journey of healing together.
“We do this work for children who did not return home and those that did return home. We do this work for all our relatives that suffered deeply in this school. We do this work for our descendants, those that are living and those not yet born. We do this work to bring peace to our Ancestors. We do this with the hope that it will bring healing for ourselves and our communities. nəc̓əmat tə šxwqweləwən ct (we are of one heart and mind)”
– Chief Jen Thomas & Gabriel George Sr.
This specific stage of the project is focused on the investigation at St. Paul’s Residential School, which was situated in North Vancouver. We are doing this work with care, as we gather records and accounts of the experiences of Survivors who attended the school. We are prioritizing the safety and healing of the Survivors and respecting their agency to decide if and how to participate.
səlilwətaɬ has established the ɬewətəl̓ Project within the TWN Health & Wellness Department. The project and related supports, programs and services are available to the Tsleil-Waututh Nation community from which to choose and develop a Wellness Plan that is right for each person.
Listen to the pronunciation of ɬewətəl̓ in the audio file by Gabriel George below:
As we invite səlilwətaɬ Survivors to tell their stories, and as other communities share their findings, we understand that this may trigger some of our Members and bring up many emotions. The TWN Mental Wellness team is committed to creating holistic, trauma-based, mental wellness support services with consistent, dedicated, mental health professionals who will create culturally informed programs that meet the needs of the community.
Healing together, we want all Tsleil-Waututh Members to have access to appropriate, safe, emotional, and cultural support.
All Survivors are invited to participate and their decision to participate is completely voluntary. TWN has created a Project Booklet outlining a truth-telling diagram that describes each step along the way like stepping stones in a river: pre-recording, how the recording process will work, what Survivors can expect, how each Survivor coming forward will be supported with a Wellness Plan, and how confidentiality and consent is discussed and assured.
Project Governance
All of this work is being guided by Elders, Survivors and Tsleil-Waututh Knowledge Keepers to ensure the work is done in a good way, respecting cultural protocols.
Chief and Council
- Chief Jen Thomas
- Councillor Charlene Aleck ts’simtelot
- Councillor Deanna George tewalawet
- Councillor Liana Martin wa cha wat
- Councillor Kevin O’Neill ćəwqayətan
- Councillor Curtis Thomas
- Councillor Dennis Thomas whonoak
Steering Committee
Representatives from Tsleil-Waututh leadership to oversee the program: Ernie (Bones) George, Maureen Thomas, Gabriel George Sr, and Mahara Allbrett.
Cultural Advisors
Guidance on cultural and ceremonial protocols – Charlene Aleck, Micheal George, Michelle George, Gabriel George Sr, Victor Guerin (on leave).
Project Team
- ćećəwet leləm Helping House, Health and Wellness: Andrea Aleck, Lianne Payne
- ɬewətəl Project: Mental Wellness Counsellor Angela Merasty
- The Mental Wellness Team: Lara Fitzgerald, Laura Avery, Mardean Neuman, Natasha Nystrom, Nooshin Gallehdari, and Lavita Trimble
- Treaty, Lands & Resources: for technical support (research, site investigation, archeology) Ginevra Toniello
- Archives/records: Isabel Melendez
TWN Contact Information
Lianne Payne, IRSS Project Manager,
Note: Tsleil-Waututh community members, please contact Lianne for a copy of the ɬewətəl̓ Project Booklet.
Crisis Supports and Mental Health Resources
The TWN Crisis Response Plan is for staff and community members who are worried about their own safety and safety of others and the ability to cope with traumatic triggers.
If you or anyone you know is looking for support services for counselling or urgent after hours care please do reach out to the following contacts. If there are any individuals who require assistance completing residential school application forms, we can support you to complete this process. Please reach out and ask us.
During business hours the following TWN counsellors can do in-person or distance risk assessments and referrals and counselling services:
- First contact: Mardean Neuman 604 787 5468
- Second contact: Lara Fitzgerald 604 354 0264
View our Mental Wellness Toolkit & Meet our Mental Wellness Counsellors
After business hours, if you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis outside of regular working hours, please call 9-1-1 or go to the closest Hospital Emergency Room.
Claim forms: We can support anyone who requires assistance completing Residential or Day School claim forms. Please reach out to Mardean Neuman at 604 787 5468.
External Supports
Other crisis response supports include:
- Suicide Crisis Helpline: Call 988
- BC Crisis Line: 1-800-SUICIDE 1-800-784-2433
- Kuu-Us Aboriginal Crisis Line: 1-800-588-8717
- The Indian Residential School Survivors Society Crisis Support: Available 24/7, call 1-800-721-0066
- Hope For Wellness Help Line: available 24/7 to all Indigenous people across Canada. Call or Text: 1-855-242-3310
- The National Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line (Hope for Wellness) is available to former students of Indian Residential Schools and their family members 24/7 at 1-866-925-4419.
- The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Crisis Line is hosted by Hope for Wellness and provides help with resources, a listening ear; and crisis support. The Crisis line is available 24/7 at 1-844-413-6649.
- Tsow-Tun Le Lum Society (cultural support & outreach services): 1-888-403- 3123 (Facebook Page)
- First Nations Health Authority – Culturally Safe Supports.
- Peer Assisted Care Team – North Shore PACT (Weekend Evenings): Connect with a peer support worker at PACT, who respond to crisis calls related to mental health or substance use. They provide trauma-informed, culturally-safe support for North Shore residents ages 13+. Hours: Seven days a week, 8AM – 12:30AM. (Canadian Mental Health Association). Call: 1-888-261-7228 / Text: 778-839-1831 / North Shore PACT Website.
- Overdose Outreach Team: Refer/ self-refer anyone at risk of OD for service navigation and connection to care: 604-360- 2874 (Vancouver, North Shore, Pemberton/ Whistler area, Sunshine Coast).
- Metro Vancouver Indigenous Services Society (MVISS): Counselling, cultural support and healing. Intake Navigator: PH 604.255.2394 EXT 110 and the email is
- Saa’Ust Centre (IRSS centre in DTES): 44 East Cordova St, Vancouver BC V6A 1K2; 604-985-4464 or 604-684-1178.
Tsleil-Waututh Nation Commemorates the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh Nation) previously commemorated the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (September 30th) with a healing Pilgrimage from the TWN community to the former site of St. Paul’s Residential School in 2021 and a Pilgrimage back home to community in 2022.
Learn more about the 2021 TWN Pilgrimage and the 2022 TWN Pilgrimage.