Membership Application Form
Interested in applying for Membership to Tsleil-Waututh Nation? Please download and complete the Membership Form and Rules.
If the form does not appear fillable, please print, complete, and submit it to or by mail to Tsleil-Waututh Nation, 3178 Alder Court, North Vancouver, BC V7H 2V6.
Comment Request Form
Complete a Comment Request Form for TWN Members.
Income Assistance
We house training, employment and income assistance within our education program. By clustering our services together, we can offer people more opportunities―education, individual learning plans for each person, life skills to pursue goals, and more―as people engage in an educational journey. We have income assistance in our computer lab to give clients better access to tools and resources.
We also have a referral system to support people with a continuum of service delivery, from literacy to education, training, skill development and employment. We have assessment tools so we know what each person’s interests, skills and goals are, and can better address any barriers.